
PR1. "Adult educators/trainers Digital Competences Framework"

PR1. "Adult educators/trainers Digital Competences Framework"

Our first project result is ready!!!
The Framework of Digital Competences defines the key components of competences needed by adult educators and trainers to effectively integrate digital tools and media education into their localized contexts, as well as to provide and validate an EU reference framework for developing and evaluating digital competences.

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HANDBOOK - Media Education for Aware Adults​

Our second project result is ready! The Handbook-Media Education for Aware Adults is based on the key skills and competencies recognised and included in the Digital Competences Framework. It has been designed to serve as a valuable support tool for adult educators working with adults. The handbook has been co-produced with groups of adults and adult educators. Its purpose is to provide adult educators with high-quality knowledge and skills needed to teach digital problem-solving and to better understand societies.

For English version: Click here

For Italian version: Click here

For Greek: Click here 

For Romanian: Click here

For Irish: Click here

For Spanish: Click here